A date with the girlfriend
AO: Firehouse
When: 12/10/2019
QIC: Reuben
PAX (3): Picker, Skynyrd, Reuben
It was a great morning for a ruck. Skynyrd made his way into the AO with the girlfriends in the bed of his truck. All three packs took a quick lap and reconvened back at the truck for warm up.
- Weed picker
- Good morning
- Sun gods
***All IC****
The Thang:
Yoke walk/jog to first checkpoint at top of parking lot for Leg lifts on curb w/ girlfriend. 50 reps total.
With our partner on our backs we hit the bottom lot for checkpoint 2- Man makers w/ bag-5 total
Checkpoint 3- 30 Squats and then head down to the crows nest for access.
Last checkpoint was a challenge for all exercises.
Head over to lot other side of lower lot for Dora 1-2-3: 5o merkins, 100 curls w/ girlfriend, 150 bent over rows.
Mary consisted of 5o LBC’s in cadence along with some Rosalita and flutters.
Prayers for friend/family passing and others dealing with cancer. Praying for healing and peace during this time.
Reuben out.