Everything Takes Longer…Best Beatdown Ever!!!
AO: The Wreck
When: 11/20/2019
QIC: Bear
PAX (23): Bieber, Aflac, Doogie, Turbine, Switch, Squeegee, Bronco, Circus, Tubs, Rooney, Raider, Deadbeat, Squeak, Backside, Rusty, Sellout, Swamp Donkey, Foley, Norm, Sprocket, Goat, Yankee, Bear
I am thankful to lead. I’m thankful for you guys. Perfect morning!
Mosey up park drive to parking lot to warm up.
Butt kicks back and forth
High Knees back and forth
Plank warmup routine. Normal, Mtn Climbers, Plank Jacks, Parker Peter, Right Arm up, Left Arm Up, Shoulder taps
Mosey to parking lot next to football field.
The Thang:
10 burpees in that lot, mosey up and to the left, 15 jump squats, mosey up the trail to the top of the hill; 20 Merkins.
Back to bottom.
Repeat reducing the reps by 1 each time.
This was taking too long so called it before we reached 1 burpee.
Mosey to bottom of hill by the lake.
Partner up.
One partner runs to the top of the gravel hill while other partner is doing exercises. Keep going until you’ve done the total number together.
200 Stone Mtns
200 Squats
200 J Los
Again called early.
Line up in 2 lines on each side of the trail. Indian run along trail. When we got to the hill all hell broke loose as QIC didn’t explain what we were doing very well. Haha!
Sprint up and down the hill a couple of times and then mosey back to the flag
- 2nd F opportunities this Thursday and Holiday event coming up in December (Remember to RSVP for that)
- Earn your Turkey Hogwallow Thanksgiving Special Edition: 7AM – 5 and 10 Mile routes (if you don’t want to run 5 join us) – I’m making shirts.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Gratitude is a powerful thing. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it’s simply about gathering with people you love and being grateful. I imagine only one person will read this, but I encourage you to lead the charge with your family. Take a moment during your Thanksgiving meal to express what you are grateful for. Or maybe, share something your thankful for about each person. There is no time like NOW!