Deck of Death
AO: The Rubicon
When: 11/14/2019
QIC: Cookie @blunsford4
PAX (12): Pitstop, Special K, Lil' Hurt, MillerTime, Devito, Fanny Pack, Zima, Trebek, False Start, Kick 6, Pinkey
32 degree forecast had the mumble chatter scarce on Slack leading up to today’s beatdown. Or maybe it was that YHC gave a disclaimer that we would be tackling the Deck of Death in the morning. 5:25a the clown car arrives to only 1 other car in the parking lot…. a few minutes go by and a big waive of willing and able PAX arrive. Here is how it went down.
Mosey over to the flag for SSH, Weedpicker, Plank Jacks and a few others. Head over to the planters for THE THANG
The Thang:
F3 Deck of Death combined with a Queen playlist.
- Add 10 reps to all cards that have a number
- Royal is 25 reps
- Aces are 100 reps
- Jokers are pick your poison, 25 reps
- After each exercise, short sprint and back
40 or so minutes later we packed up and headed back to the flag.
Prayers for Pitstop and his house search. Praise for those helping with No Longer Bound 3rd F event, organizing Welcome Kits. 2nd F planned for next Thursday 11/21 at Loyal Q. Good to see Lil’ Hurt back out for his 2nd workout despite the cold temps. COT ended with the Pledge of the Allegiance, mainly to prove to the RNG’s that F3 is not a Christian-based organization, and there are many ways to close out. We only require that you believe in something bigger than yourself.
Always an honor to lead!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
TNT message was brought to us by Zima. Wise words of wisdom about never burning a bridge professionally or even personally because you never know how that bridge may help you one day in the future. On another note, we are halfway through our Q4 Rubicon challenge and today we spoke about our progress. TCLAPS to the PAX that are crushing it.
-Cookie out