The Brotherhood of the Travelling Rocks
AO: The Rubicon
When: 11/05/2019
QIC: Pitstop
PAX (12): False Start, Kick Six, Devito, Mayhem, Top Hat, Lumbergh, Special K, Stifler, Cookie, Milli Vanilli, Miller Time
Nice weather, good turnout in spite of losing a bunch of guys to the opening of the Bandit.
Moseyed to the FOD for some warm-up. Weed pickers, lunges, merkins, and SSH to loosen up.
The Thang:
Moseyed to the coupon pile, got a coupon, and lined up at the pool parking lot for Manmaker Suicides.
Round 1 –
- Carry the coupon to the first parking island, do 2 MANMAKERS, leave the coupon and run back to the baseline.
- Run back the coupon, pick it up and carry to the next island, do 4 manmakers.
- Repeat until the end of the parking lot, adding 2 reps at each island.
10 Coupon Flutter Kicks
Round 2 – rinse and repeat with SUMO DEADLIFTS
15 Coupon Flutter Kicks
Round 3 – rinse and repeat with FLAMINGO CURLS (do curls while standing on one leg). Reps per leg.
25 Coupon Flutter Kicks
Round 4 – Derkin Plank-Off
As usual, MillerTime, Devito and Cookie dominated the plank-off while the rest of us did burpees.
YHC still needs a buyer for my house.
Lots of talk about November challenges and 3rd Fs.