Pinch Hitting for Slim
AO: The Wreck
When: 11/04/2019
PAX (20): Goat, Destiny, Yankee, Raider, Foley, Squeegee, Swamp Donkey, Squeak, Tubbs, Norm, Rusty, Wide Right, Sellout, Backside, Scar, Bear, Double-D, Bieber, AFLAC, Switch
Never leave an open Q spot with the Wreck boys, ’cause you never know what you’re gonna get. In the most recent episode, some Wreck PAX (who shall remain nameless) discovered an empty Q sheet for the upcoming week and took a few liberties with the assignments. As a unanimous outcome to some brief negotiations, it was determined that the only way we see Virginia Slim these days is via a Q, so what better way to see his ugly mug than to sign him up. Little did YHC know that it would take more than a Q-sheet call-out to roust the man (the legend, as it were). We may need an intervention, gentlemen.
With Slim nowhere in sight, YHC announced his presence out of the bullpen and led the boys on a short mosey down the trail past the playground to the large parking lot. After some brief disclaimers and comforting words for very disappointed PAX who were looking forward to an expletive-laced BD, it was time to get moving. Warm-up’s included:
- Hillbillys
- Plank-Jacks
- Slow Merkins
- Abe Vigodas
The Thang:
Head back toward the playground (past Malbec Mtn) where YHC directed PAX to select a coupon and return to the hill. As expected, Q’s instructions were met by some very audible groans and mumble-chatter from PAX who never forget a good time.
Once gathered, YHC directed all PAX to perform 7 full rounds of the following, OYO:
- 7 Man-Makers w/coupon at bottom of MM.
- Carry coupon to top of MM and perform 10 Squat Thrusters.
- Leave coupon at top of MM, run to the top of the 2nd hill (gymnastics entrance) and perform 7 Burpees.
- Run back down to the top of MM and perform 20 Curls w/coupon.
- Carry coupon to bottom of MM.
- Rinse/repeat for 7 rounds.
Early finishers were directed to perform the Bicep/Burpee circuit AMRAP until directed otherwise by Q. With roughly 7 minutes on the clock, Q instructed PAX to complete their final circuit, deposit coupon from whence it came, and return to flag.
Quick round of American Hammers before time was called.
- Continued prayers for Sprocket’s sister.
- Prayers for Tweaker’s Dad, who is dealing with metastatic cancer.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Not sure if it was mentioned in a prior BB, but a hearty welcome to Destiny who stumbled upon the Wreck PAX just recently. It’s not everyday that you start you day looking forward to a nice, easy run around Roswell Area Park and get roped into doing Bear Crawls, Burpees, and other stupid crap by a bunch of idiots who could sell ice in Alaska. Credit where it is due – YHC wasn’t sure if we were going to see him again after that first day, but it looks he’s hooked. Welcome Destiny!
AFLAC out.