15 PAX for a Partner Workout
AO: The Hooch
When: 10/30/2019
QIC: Flo
PAX (15): Boomer, Saint, Cougar, Ballboy, Sunshine, Splinter, Redimix, Scrooge, Stickers, Popper, Piggy, Meatball, PoohBear, Hamburglar
Today’s Accolades:
- Hamburglar- nice stretching moves to start
- Scrooge- fastest bear crawl
- Meatball- good modification work
- Boomer- pushing those runs
- Popper- way to push through that lonely SLR
- Cougar- happy belated b-day…sign up to Q
- Stickers- welcome back!
- Redi-Mix- tallest and most handsome PAX
- Sunshine- Miss Congeniality
- Splinter- most punctual (hope you made it back on time 🙂
- Piggy- good 3rd F lead
- Saint- most likely to wear capri pants (best dressed)
- Pooh- most likely to put honey in his coffee
- Flo- most likely to have a mildew smelling car
Quick Mosey laps with some IC exercises.
The Thang:
Teamed up in pairs. Each pair was given some sort of weight and each circled up to make the following stations:
- Kettle bag swings
- Bonnie Blairs
- Crossover Merkins
- Ball Slams
- Bent over rows
- Squat Jumps
- Curl, Curl, Press
- Thrusters
- Partner A- Bear Crawl 10 yards, mosey out 40 yards, and mosey back. Switch with B
- Partner B- AMRAP the station they were in
- Switch, rinse repeat for 2 rounds, burpee for the six, and rotate to the next station
This took us all the way to the bell.
Prayed for homer and his outdoor event, the Stephen’s crew, and us as a group.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Great coffeteeria discussion around Why would we allow ourselves to be vulnerable? What does true accountability look like? How do we get our group to push in that direction?
Launching the Storm at Halcyon tommorrow. Good opportunity to see a launch, meet some PAX from other AOs, and make up if you missed today.