Thoroughly Wet
AO: The Widowmaker
When: 09/14/2019
QIC: Zohan
PAX (4): Pinky, Boomer, Groupie, Zohan
Mosey, IC – Moroccan Night Club X15, SSH X15, Weed Picker X12, Merkin X10
5 sets of: 5 Broad jumps, 5 Burpees, 5 Broad Jumps, 5 Star Jumps
The Thang:
4 Corners
On the Penalty box in the soccer field, each corner had its exercise – Hand Release Markins, Gas Pumpers, Sit Ups, Copper Head Squats. Starting with 1 of each, then 2, working our way up to 10.
TCLAPS for Boomer who did several extra rounds with the 6.
Between the hand release merkins and the situps on the wet turf after the rains last night, we go thoroughly wet.
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100 of each – Curls, Wonder Bra, Skull Crushers and Rows, while the other PAX run up the stairs to the benches for 10 stepups (5 each leg).
After the coupons:
Dips IC X10
QB – in the parking lot, snake run on the parking lines
Erkins on the curb IC X10
We still had almost 7 minutes to go, so next we had a long Mary that included Flatter Kicks, The Dolly, LBCs, American Hammers, Freddie Mercury, J-Los, Dying Cuckroach, Squats and Monkey Humpers.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
This was my 3rd Q in a row. I remembered De Vito warning us that the Q sign up sheet looks empty and we better fill it up if we don’t want more of his workouts. I am proud and blessed to be in this position, being able to lead often. I am no De Vito, but I came a long way and it is because of F3 and the PAX.