We walk as lions
AO: The Gladiator
When: 08/27/2019
QIC: Mufasa
PAX (17): Brownie, Laces, Renegade, Scratch off, Flop, Cheneral, Delicious, Shrinkage, Bo Knows, Viking, Spandex, Tebow, Stroller, Stud finder, Mailbox, Kegger
YHC’s first post after Growruck15 with the intention of imparting some of the truths learned from from the experience. Handicapped by the ongoing hamstring injury, there could be very little to no running.
No warm up as such, just instruction on some flag etiquette and proper form for the merkin, squat and lunge walk which would come in handy later. The 2 person rescue carry was also demonstrated which would also come in handy later.
The PAX would also count off in twos.
The Thang:
3 coupons of a full 5 gallon water container, a cinder block and a 40 lb ruck was going to be moved from the flag down to the center of field in an Indian run-coupon-move fashion which the PAX quickly caught onto.
Deposit the coupons and move to the one goal line and the 2 teams formed up. Down to the other end of the field the PAX would move as a team in a plank Indian bunny hop. 2 person carry back to the end where we started. First team to have all the team members across would win. Team 1 got there first, but did not win. Every man had to finish before a winner for the mission was declared.
Next up – part of the Iron Pax Challenge. Partner up for accountability and do as many rounds of “Loredo”, with a wheel barrow to the halfway line instead of the 400 m run. Switch on the way back. 24 reps each of Squats, merkins and walking lunges (count one leg only).
Only time for about 3 rounds of Loredo, we would need to move back to the flag. Coupon move Indian run back. At the flag circle up on your six while moving the coupons around the circle with a switch in direction. Deposit the coupons in the middle of the BOM.
Mary continued with flutter kicks, box cutters, Freddy Mercuries, mountain climbers, smurf jacks, imperial squalkers till time was called.
Praises for new employment opportunities for some of the PAX. Prayers for healing for Postal and quick recovery.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
- Next strong fathers, strong daughter’s third F will be tomorrow – contact Tebow.
- MF/SC Ruck tomorrow by Mailbox – 0520 step off.
- Lots of mumble chatter to go around.
- 28 need to post between tomorrow’s Ruck and Thursday Q to make 200 posts.
- More truths from the GrowRuck will be disseminated over time – come out the MF/SC Rucks!
- Stroller Q for Thursday.
- Viking as usual with a thoughtful and very fitting playlist – shared in the #Gladiator slack channel.
Lyrics to the song, “Lions” by Skillet – this is powerful:
Today we live, today we breathe
Today we know that we are strong when we are weak
Today we trust, we overcome
Take every chain that kept us slaves and throw em’ off
We’re not waiting for permission
We defy our inhibition
Like our middle name is “fearless”
If we’re gonna fly, we fly like eagles
Arms out wide
If we’re gonna fear, we fear no evil
We will rise
By your power, we will go
By your spirit, we are bold
If we’re gonna stand, we stand as giants
If we’re gonna walk, we walk as lions
We walk as lions
Today is ours, it’s always been
Before we face the fight
We know who’s gonna win
We live by faith and not by sight
We don’t want safe and quiet
We don’t wanna run and hide
This is not an intermission
It’s our time, not gonna miss it
You’ve already called us fearless
If we’re gonna fly, we fly like eagles
Arms out wide
If we’re gonna fear, we fear no evil
We will rise
By your power, we will go
By your spirit, we are bold
If we’re gonna stand, we stand as giants
If we’re gonna walk, we walk as lions
We walk as lions
Oh, everywhere we go
The battle has been won
We know you’ve gone before us
So, we take it hard in faith
With every step we take
We know we’ll rise victorious
If we’re gonna fly, we fly like eagles
Arms out wide
If we’re gonna fear, we fear no evil
We will rise
By your power, we will go
By your spirit, we are bold
If we’re gonna stand, we stand as giants
If we’re gonna walk, we walk as lions
We walk as lions!