Bears and Bears and Bears
AO: The Widowmaker
When: 08/17/2019
QIC: Saint2O
PAX (4): Sculley, Meatball, Zohan, Saint2O
We had a solid crew for the pre-ruck and put in some good miles. But on to the real action, we got one additional for the beatdown. I gave them all warnings that there would be lots of bear crawls today, and while we got to a lot, there were things we didn’t have time for but I’ll save for next time (bear crawl ring of fire mucho chesto, welsh dragons, bear crawl snake)
Mosey to the cul-de-sac and do the following in cadence:
Then mosey back to the soccer field to get started
The Thang:
To warm up for the bear crawls, we did some Dancing Bears, which is get in the bear crawl position and then raise your right arm and left leg, then put them down and raise your left arm and right leg, all in cadence. Someone mentioned that it would be good for Mary…
Next we did Bear Crawl Merkins down the short side of the soccer field. That is three steps of bear crawling and then a stagger merkin, then three more steps, and the opposite stagger merkin. And so on until we reached the next corner. It was fun. Next we did a bear crawl inchworm down the long side of the field. That is line up in plank and the PAX in the back bear crawls to the front and yells “GO”. Then the next PAX in line does the same thing, until we got all the way to the end. YHC thinks there was more planking in this than bear crawling, but if we had a larger group, it may have been worse (more planking, longer bear crawls).
Next we all needed to switch muscle groups, so instead of Welsh Dragons (don’t ask), we did Lt. Dan all the way back to the starting point down the short and long side of the fields.
Next we needed to make it to the widowmaker, so off we went. There was a group forming around the field and YHC thought it best for us to find a new spot, anyway.
Once at the bottom of the widowmaker, we partnered up for some bear crawl catch me if you can. One partner starts to bear crawl up the widowmaker, and the other does 10 burpees in place and then runs to catch the partner and switch. At the top, I recall the PAX agreeing that it wasn’t the worst way to experience the widowmaker (nor was it the best, which is from the top without going down in the first place). Although, another name for it could be “The Anti-Zohan”, so named by him 🙂
Next we stayed off the road, because it was like 285 out there, and found a nice clean coupon pile for some Colt-45. The PAX did each 15 curls, 15 skull crushers, 15 overhead presses. Then rotate to the rock on your left and repeat. Then rinse and repeat two more times just so everyone could try out all the rocks.
Then mosey over toward ths soccer field for some balls to the wall. We partnered up and did one minute each while the partner timed and held air chair.
Next on to the field to a shady spot for Mary.
We had enough time to go around so we did Dancing Bear, Gas Pumper, Flutter kicks, and LBCs.
Prayers for health and those PAX attending GrowRuck next weekend.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Great work today, YHC recalls doing a lot of bear crawls that the last GrowRuck YHC attended (GrowRuck 5), so it seemed appropriate to do a lot of them today to help prepare.
Thanks to the HIM that showed up today, I am honored to have led today, as always.