Ready-Mix Birthday Q
AO: The H0.0ch
When: 08/09/2019
QIC: Ready-Mix
PAX (7): Sunshine, Scrooge, Splinter, Meatball, Pooh-Bear, Ballboy
Ready Mix Birthday Q and last beatdown of the summer at Bushwood.
Overhead Claps, Windmills, and Side Straddle Hops to get warmed up.
The Thang:
First Thang: Mosey over to east parking lot, 3 sets of 10 handrail pull ups and 10 V-Ups, then mosey over the the field.
Second Thang: Grinders (teams of 3), doing Big-Boy Situps at station 1, Merkins at station 2, with bear crawls in between – total of 10 laps. Then mosey over to pool.
Third Thang: Pool Grinders, doing LBCs and single arm planks, with freestyle laps in between. Losing team treads water for 2 minutes.
Finished with a quick game of water basketball.
Prayers for last weekend of summer, preparation for all the families headed off to school on Monday.