Firehouse Road race of pain
AO: Firehouse
When: 07/04/2019
QIC: Reuben
PAX (3): Fudd, Picker, Reuben
Who needs the Peachtree Road race for the 4th when you can do 3 miles of pain at the Firehouse. Let’s mosey!
Run 1 mile run and then perform warm-up:
- Weed pickers
- Windmill
- sun gods
- Moroccan nightclubs
The Thang:
2 laps around the upper lot is approximately 1 mile. Total of 3 miles today. After each mile Indian run, all pax performed 2 rounds of the following routines:
Grab coupons at rock pile:
R1- Partner routine- P1 does Bear crawl until P2 finishes Kettle bell swings 20 reps total. 2x’s
R2- P1 does AMRAP arm curls while P2 does 20 squat thrusts. 2x’s
R3- P1 does Elf on the shelf 10 reps each side (total of 20) P2 performs AMRAP Skull crushers. 2x’s
Mary consisted of 50 LBC’s IC, flutters, and Freddy Mercury.
Prayers for healing for injured pax and Pickers Missionary friends moving to Guatemala.