Shaking Down the Walls of Cheese Fondue
AO: The Grindstone
When: 06/24/2019
QIC: Bell
PAX (6): Whiz, Cookie, Scully, Olaf, Spit Valve, Bell
YHC woke up this morning with a 7th anniversary cheese fondue hangover and needed to get things off on the right foot for the week. So I drew some inspiration from the number 7 for the Q.
We started off with a lap around the upper parking lot before circling up for the following:
15 x SSH
10 x Sun Gods (Forward)
10 x Sun Gods (Reverse)
11 x Week Pickers (I missed my cadence so we hit one extra)
The Thang:
We made our way down to the tennis courts where we setup for the Walls of Jericho. This routine is 7 rounds of 7 exercises with a run back and forth across the tennis courts in between each group of 7. We did the following each round:
10 x Barishnikov Squats
10 x Merkins
10 x Groiners
10 x Calf Raises
10 x Star Jumps
10 x Dying Cockroaches
10 x LBC
After chugging through this lot (and feeling the latent effects of last nights meal/drinks), we moseyed over to the football field and grabbed a few coupons. We paired off and did a mini-DORA with
50 x Overhead Presses, 100 x Big Boys w/ coupon, and 150 x squats w/coupon. While partner A worked on these in the endzone, partner B did a backward run to the 50 and a forward run back. We pancaked until all the reps were knocked out. With about 5 minutes left, we returned our coupons, headed back to the flag for an around the horn session of Mary.
- Registration and plans for the Fallen Five CSAUP event (July 12th).
- Cherokee July 4th convergence
- The GrowRuck deadline is quickly approaching.
- 2nd/3rd F opportunity at Creekside UMC. The Men’s Ministry is putting on a retreat Aug. 16 7pm to 9pm and Aug.17 8:30am – 2pm. Further details will be posted on Slack.
- Prayers for those traveling and those recovering from injury and illness.