Morning of Many Thangs
AO: The Grindstone
When: 06/10/2019
QIC: Inseam
PAX (5): Bell, Spit Valve, Sculley, Cookie, and Inseam
YHC arrived early so he could plan an alternate “rainy day beatdown” however, it turned out that was not needed. I guess the board of pain will have to wait another day. Mother Nature had mercy on us this morning and was able to hold the rain off just long enough for this morning’s beatdown. It wasn’t until about 6:10 until she started to get a little impatient.
Mosey around the perimeter of the football field and back at to the grass where we circled up and did the following:
- SSH – 1 IC…oh I’m the Q, that’s right…let’s do 9 more IC.
- Good Mornings – 10 IC
- Weed Pickers – 10 IC
- Sun Gods (both directions) – OYO
The Thang:
Thang 1:
Mosey up to the Crow’s Nest where YHC informed the Pax they we will be doing a little Dora to start things off. Partner up and complete 100 Incline Merkins, 200 Reverse LBCs, and 300 Squats. Partner one does amrap exercise while partner two runs down to the end of the path and back. Then flap jack until all reps complete.
Thang 2:
YHC has a little family gathering this weekend, where he learned that his family emigrated from Scotland. In honor of this, we all performed 10 Double Shot of Jack-ees each. See chart below for reference.
Thang 3:
Mosey to coupon pile, grab coupons, circle up for a little Colt 45, however, everyone picked similar sized coupons so there wasn’t much to worry about. In total we performed 45 curls, 45 overhead presses, and 45 skull crushers…all in sets of 15 and rotating coupons. Once back to our original coupon, we pounded out 15 of each, being sure to keep the coupon out in front of us as we wait on the six for each exercise.
Thang 4:
Mosey to the bleachers where we 10 Derkins, 10 Dips, and 10 Step-Ups (Alpha Count). We did this in circuit OYO and decreased the amount of reps by 2 until we reached the end.
Thang 5:
Mosey to the parking lot, no wait lets go to the football field (great call Sculley) for a round of Captain Thor. Keeping a 1:4 ratio.
Mosey back to the flag where we have just enough time for a round of howling monkeys!
Spearhead Challenge. 2nd F this Thursday at Wild Wings. Pray for the health of the Pax and speedy recovery of injuries.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
This was my first solo Q at Grindstone. It was a bit obvious that YHC had a pretty bad case of the Mondays at times, but nevertheless it was another excellent morning in the Gloom with the HIM of F3 Alpha!