Big Creek Iron Man PT Challenge
AO: Big Creek
When: 06/04/2019
QIC: Inseam
PAX (7): Bell, Body, Spit Valve, Striker (FNG-spit valve's 2.0), Benny, Swiper, and Inseam
After much hype on Slack, YHC was pumped to get this beatdown rolling! Let’s dive right in.
Mosey around the parking lot towards the skate park and track…BUT WAIT…here comes Swiper rolling in one minute late, lets circle back and pick him up. Now, mosey to the track and circle up for a quick warm-up (I came to regret this later. Stay tuned):
- SSH – 7 IC
- Good Mornings – 6 IC
- Weed Pickers – 7 IC
The Thang:
The name of today’s thang was The Big Creek Iron Man PT Challenge. And yes, as promised on slack, there was a prize involved. The Pax were surprised to find a speaker, spotlight, and white board waiting for them. Yea YHC got there early, even beat The Body (this would prove to be the only thing I beat him at this morning). The rules of the challenge are, NO MODIFYING, AMRAP until your form suffers and that is your max. After a quick explanation and starting the music we dove right in…it went a little something like this.
- Merkin – amrap
- Sprint – 30 second around the track, as far as you can get
- Burpees – as many as you can in 2 minutes
- Curls (with cinder) – amrap
- BBS – amrap
- Overhead Press (with cinder) – amrap
- Squats – as many as you can in 2 minutes
- Dips (legs out) – as many as you can in one minute
During the sprint YHC thought he could beat Body. Well 5 seconds in, YHC seemed to have pulled the ole hamstring. Now I’m not making excuses, but next time we probably wont skip on the Warm-O-Rama so much, then it will be a race!
Each Pax seemed to have their own specialty, but The Body specialized in more than the rest of us, so he was named the first Big Creek Iron Man. As promised, he was presented with his prize…a hand painted Big Creek cinder, by YHC. However, this is a special cinder with special rules. It must always be carried in Cusack fashion, never below the head. Off we head back to the flag, taking turns cusacking the Big Creek Cinder.
We have our base line. Looking forward to revisiting in a couple months to find the most improved HIM of Big Creek!
We made it back to the flag at 6:15, on the dot, and to our surprise we see an old kotter who came a little late (and got a little lost). Good to see you Big Daddy! If you’re keeping count, we now have 8 for the COT.
We named our 2.0 FNG, Striker, who is a huge soccer fan. Just so happens to be Forsyth County’s top middle school striker (not factual but sounds cool).
Pray for the children in VBS this week, Mee-Maws tumor results coming in tomorrow, and a clean bill of health for Whiz.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
As always, it was great getting better in the gloom with these HIM! I noticed this morning that Q-ing is getting easier and I have you all to thank for pushing me to get better each morning. SYITG.