Sleep is over rated Fartsackers
AO: The Shadow
When: 05/07/2019
QIC: Fireballs
PAX (7): Madoff, Rambo, Snake Oil, CIA, Sleeper, Suds (FNG)
What is better than a cool Dunwoody Tuesday morning and a F3 beatdown combo? Certainly not an extra hour of sleep.
Windmills IC x 15, Imperial Walkers IC X 15 – Rinse & Repeat
Toy Soldiers, Butt Kickers, High Knees – alternating across parking lot and back to start
The Thang:
Lateral Shuffle, Walking Lateral Lunge, Lateral Crawl With Merkin – all back and forth across parking lot. Some new stuff for the Pax to chew on and a bit of mumble chatter could be heard out of the darkness.
Cherokee Run down Vermack to Swim Tennis club during which The Q nearly broke an ankle but all is well and I appreciate all of the calls today about my well being – phone ringer must have been on silent mode.
PAX paired off with first partner in Plank whilst other ran across parking lot for 25 Merkins and back to start. Switch. Then repeat sequence with 25 Mountain Climbers. And again with 25 Squats.
Mary – LBCs, High Flutter Kicks, Dying Cockroaches, Ankle Touches, Low Dolly, American Hammer – all IC X 15.
Cherokee Run back to DHS.
Dips and Step Ups IC x 15. Rinse & Repeat.
Wall Sits for 30 seconds followed by new PAX favorite – Australian Mountain Climbers IC x 15.
Plank sequence alternating with one arm resting on back.
Welcome FNG John Dowling, now Suds as he is rather fond of brews apparently. Seems like he will fit in nicely.
Rambo sent us off with fine words of inspiration.