The W.A.S.H. on Mt. Kill-A-Man-Jaro

AO: Big Creek

When: 04/04/2019

QIC: Olaf

PAX (5): Swiper, Inseam, Bell, G-String


The W.A.S.H on Mt. Kill-a-Man-Jaro.

To get started we selected a coupon from the pile and met at the base of the mountain where YHC delivered the instructions for the WASH routine. The Werkins went smooth and the American Hammers were broke up into 2 sets of 50. Then the burn set in with 3 sets of 50 on the squats. But is was soon forgotten when we started the Hip Thrust for 4 sets of 50 and the mumble chatter got us through to the finish.

We climbed the mountain 10 times today. Pretty sure I heard someone spill Merlow along the way, but no one fessed up.


SSH x10 IC

SunGods x10 IC

Good Mornings x10 IC

The Thang:

W-erkins x50, run up the mountain and back

A-merican Hammers x100 w/ coupon, run up the mountain twice

S-quats x150 w/ coupon, run up the mountain 3 times

H-ip Thrust x200 w/coupon, run up the mountain 4 times

Moseyed back to the flag for Mary:

Rosalita x10 IC


Prayer for our traveling PAX.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Reminder of 2nd F at Wild Wings in the Collection. 6:30-9:00 on 4/11.

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