The Double Nickel
AO: The Gladiator
When: 04/04/2019
QIC: Mufasa
PAX (13): Viking, Moonshine, Puddle Jumper, Renegade, DC2, Scrum, Delicious, Tigger (Respect), Shrinkage, Manchester, Stroller, Kegger
The double nickel birthday is like no other – 5 repeated. Nickel has the atomic number of 28, fitting to follow Viking’s 27th birthday Q Tuesday. We had a run of 4 birthday Qs in a row at the Gladiator – Moonshine last Thursday and Viking’s BBD sandwich – Saturday and Tuesday (his birthday was Monday).
Viking had also tweeted out an article about us finding our identity in Christ – we need to know who we are. We are loved, we love each other and show that by coming out in the gloom and doing hard things together.
Quick warm up SSHs, Hill Billys and Squats.
The Thang:
The double nickel:
Evolution of 2 stations with a total of 55. 30 decrease by 1 every time of one exercise and 25 increase by 1 of another until reaching 25 and 30 respectively of those exercises. Move between the 2 stations by 2 methods.
Merkins and Squats were the exercises with Bear Crawls and Crab walks between.
Audible called after 4 rounds.
10 Count.
Deconstructed Burpee – The perfect exercise, broken down into pieces. Squats, then leg thrusts, then Merkins, then leg thrusts, then up. 10 squats, 10 leg thrusts, 10 Merkins, 10 leg thrusts, then up. Decrease reps by 1 each time.
10 count
Lazy Dora – partner. 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats. Partner planks or holds 6 inches.
Back to the flag with all you got.
flutter kicks, box cutter, freddy mercuries, buzz saws.
That’s all the time there was.
Pat Tillman run coming up.
Praises from Moonshine and Shrinkage.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
4 showed up for the 04:55 pre-BD run. The perfect way to start the day.
Good having accountants in the team – keep YHC honest on the count. They also know how to account for time. Viking and Stroller are the ones to have.
Read the newsletter – a lot going in the Alpha region – 4 th birthday bash coming up later this month.
An honor to do a birthday Q at the Gladiator this morning!