Party of Five (well ok 6)
AO: The Shadow
When: 03/26/2019
QIC: Manhole
PAX (6): Snake-Oil, Ricochet, Manhole, Madoff, and Fizz (Haggis gets 1/2 credit)
The 25th of March was upon us, and yet, it was still only 39 degrees! WTF???
Only one way to chase away the gloom and the cold, so let’s get it on.
(All in cadence) SSH, Imperial Walkers, Large Arm Circles, Sumo Squats and Merkins (x15 and then x10). Let’s mosey!
The Thang:
Down to the track we went. 1st time around, we broke the track up into 50 yard segments, Jog, Karaoke Left, Karaoke Right and Lunge Walk (repeato).
Mosey outside the track, to the bleachers for a set of Super 21 (Dips, Squats, Incline Merkins) 1,1,1 then 2,2,2 and then 3,3,3…you get the idea.
Lots of Mumble chatter. Whose idea was this? How many of these are we doing? Are we there yet. Oh wait, here comes Haggis (somewhere around 8).
Mosey back around the outside and back on to the track.
2nd time around, still in 50s, Jog, side shuffle left, side shuffle right, backwards jog (repeato).
Mosey back off the track and to the flag pole for some Mary. (all IC and all X10). High Leg Raise, Leon’s Box Cutters, Rosalita, Obliques (Left and Right), Advanced Boat Canoe, Low Flutter, LBCs
Mosey up the stairs and back to the parking lot.
Madoff took us out.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
The Q sign up sheet is looking far less used than it could be. Please see to it that your name gets added.