An untitled Beat Down
AO: The Gladiator
When: 03/02/2019
QIC: Tigger
PAX (6): Postal, Blackbox, Manchester, Kegger, Bucket (FNG)
YHC was spent from 4 previous posts this week, but rose to lead the PAX as promised. Happy to see a dry morning and some HIM awaiting just before 7am. One FNG was welcomed with a full disclaimer and we were off…
Mosey to the upper lot for a slightly extended warm-o-rama consisting of various counts of
SSH, (Black Box came in hot as we started) Weedpickers, Windmill, Hillbillies, and Imperial Walkers then mosey to 2nd field and partner up…
The Thang:
Thang 1: 4 corners
1st corner: partner plank/derkins 25, switch X2, wheelbarrow half way down long side/switch to 2nd corner: partner plank and jump overs 25, switch X2, sprint short side to corner 3: partner butt sniffers 25 switch X2, bear crawl or crab wheel barrow half way down long side, switch to corner 4: partner leg throws 25 X2 and sprint short side to beginning and await the six. At this point Postal has to leave but we are done with partners, so OK with an odd number of PAX!
mosey to coupon pile, grab a coupon and slowsey to upper lot for Thang 2.
Thang 2: coupon suicides starting with 5 and adding 5 each time you return to your coupon while sprinting the (short) lines for a total of 35 bat the end of each session of curls, skull crushers, bent over rows and squats (total count of 100 each). Extra credit for carrying your coupon while running lines!
mosey back to coupon pile, return coupon and mosey to flag for 6 minutes of MARY and done.
Welcomed FNG “Bucket”. Prayers to be HIM to those close to us in every area of life.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Coffeteria at Cafe A Lait for some past beat down F2. Good to get to know @Kegger, @Black Box and @Bucket some more. Always great to visit Gladiator and privileged to be able to lead this time. YHC, Tigger.