A truckload of girlfriends on Valentine’s Day!
AO: The Norseman
When: 02/14/2019
QIC: Callahan
PAX (2): Ha-Ha, Callahan
Mosey from the parking lot to the pond for the usual warm up exercises:
SSH, Cotton Pickers, Imperial Walkers
The Thang:
Mosey back to the parking lot to Ha-Ha’s truck to retrieve a sand bag…ahem…girlfriend from the pile of ladies! (Side note – the titles that I had in my head for this BB were numerous, but let’s stay classy San Diego…) Run with the girlfriend up the hill to turf field number 2. We started in one corner of the football field where we performed an exercise with our lovely lady, then ran a lap around the field. Upon returning to our girlfriends, we did ten merkins….then the next exercise began. Here’s how it went:
- 50 Overhead Presses
- Run a lap
- 10 Merkins
- 50 Squats
- Run a lap
- 10 Merkins
- 50 Lunges
- Run a lap
- 10 Merkins
- 25 V-ups
- Run a lap
- 10 Merkins
- 50 Bent Over Rows
- Run a lap
- 10 Merkins
- Pick up the girlfriend and run a lap
- Next, run over to the bench, 30 dips -no ladies involved
- Run a lap – 30 more dips halfway around at the other side of the field
- 10 Merkins
- Starting on the goal line, chest pass the girlfriend (this all sounds horrible by the way) until we reach the 50 yard line
Head back to the parking lot to return the girlfriends. Mosey to turf field #1.
Bleachers were a little icy for step ups, so we did a wall sit. After the wall sit, we hit up the field for a quick 20 yard bear crawl, then 20 yard crab walk. Lap around the field, then back to the flag for Mary.
Mary – Flutter kicks, Freddy Murcury, Dying Cockroaches, LBC, Dolly
Missed our wrasslin’ coaches as they were out for a tournament. Prayers for safe travels back!
Happy VD! Wait…don’t say that…make sure you say the whole thing. Just my two cents.