Welcome fellas to 2019 and The Year of the Pig. Let’s all commit to eating more BBQ this year and also raising our fitness level – not mutually exclusive endeavors by the way. If you’re not hitting it harder this year you are losing ground – simple calculus based on planetary alignments.
da Thing……
mosey warm up lap followed by:
SSH x 20, Imp. Walkers x 19, Windmill x 20, Jump Squats x 19 – all somewhat in cadence except for the impaired Bro
Cherokee Run to swim/tennis facility for some Mary:
LBCs x 20, Flutter Kicks x 19, High Dolly x 20, Mt. Climber x 19, Low Dolly x 20, Heels to Heaven x 19
Line up at end of parking lot for Low Slow Squats IC X 20 then: Broad Jumps x 19, Bear Crawls x 20, Broad Jumps x 19
Cherokee Run back to DHS for: Step Ups x 20, Dips x 19, Inclined Merkins x 20, Step Ups x 19
Mosey to flag pole for: Merkins x 20, Kitty Cats x 19.
Raccoon Crawl the entire length of bleachers.
Partner up for – first guy runs a lap around track whilst other is in Al Gore. Switch.
Mosey to stairs for 2 sets of calf raises. IC – 20 then 19.
Wall Sits for 20 secs. Then Balls to the Wall for 19 secs.
Run lap around parking lot followed by 10 Burpees OYO.
COT – grand message to start 2019 from Leon.
Naked Moleskin – Scout pulled a Starsky but he gets a pass for doing the right thing. If we were of a mind set to hand out new handles, suggestions: Scout becomes Dog Whisperer; Green Bean becomes Vapor Cloud.