Another impressive weekday showing by the Alpha men, with 14 PAX posting for their Thursday beatdown. I guess it’s easy to post when its 50+ degrees outside in February… glorious weather! 5:30… Let’s mosey.
Mosey to the big flag on SE side of parking lot, circle around the flag, and the PAX warms up in appreciation of Old Glory.
SSH x 20
Squat x 20
Imperial Walker x 20
8 count burpee x 10
Mosey to Rec Center Field, partner up.
Cowboy Run: Like an Indian Run, only bigger and bad-asser, and with bullets instead of arrows.
Group does arm circles 1st time, air presses 2nd time around.
Move to wall.
Donkey kick x 10
Balls to wall x 30 sec
Sprint to track and back
Rinse and Repeat x 3
Mosey back to planters in baseball complex..
Dip Ladder.. 10, 9, 8, 7..
Mosey to next planters.
Merkin, Irkin, Derkin Ladder.. 10, 9…. uhhhhhhh … halt… Let’s mosey!
Mosey to parking lot for Burpee Suicides, to curb and back. 2, 4, 6, 8.
Mosey to flag!
Flutter x 20
Dying Cockroach x 20
LBC x 20
YHC’s shoulders are barely functioning after the extended balls to the wall. Definitely ingesting the #redpill today, literally… It’s called Ibuprofen.
Epic Merkin Ladder fail!
John’s Creek launching The Hooch tomorrow! PAX to show up in big numbers to support the effort. Followed by coffee at Starbucks. Expect bad weather!
Awesome to see Grits in action, with a full beard no less!
Prayers for No See Um’s transition out of his home. Thanks for a quick sell of the house, and bless their journey and their new community in Tampa.
Prayers for our political candidates to keep their sights on God and Jesus’ teachings. All things are possible through Christ! God bless America..